Why Does My Bum Crack Itch

Pruritus ani is a persistent itch around the anus. This is a small crack in the anal skin. Patient is one of the most trusted medical resources online.

Why my butt crack itches 5-6 inches below the Coccyx butt crack top region itches a lot. The skin looks Anti-itch drugs, often antihistamine.

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Itchy Butt! (Page 1)

Itchy bum, or to give it its medical name pruritus ani, i get a really itch bum and its really sore i always seem to get it a lot please help :/.

6 Reasons Your Butt Is Red This is the same fungal infection as athlete s foot and jock itch, which is why this infection tends to occur on body.

why does my bum crack itch

You could have an infection of some kind, so I d have a doctor take a look at it It could also be heat-rash or any other kind of rash. It could be athlete s foot.

For now, dusting some baby powder in there once you re completely dry may help, OR do the opposite and put lotion in there. It all depends on what s causing the itching. You may need to try one for a week and see if it helps, and then try the other.

I thought I had pinworms or fungus, turned out I was just sweating a lot down their from labor intensive work. All I had to do was apply a powder to dry the region for several days and it went away pretty quickly.

oooh this is so annoying when this happens make sure you are doing a great job wiping after using the bathroom. i find that i have the same problem when i get sweaty there or dont keep it dry down there.

when you say your crack, do you mean your actual anus. it could be hemerrhoids spelling. a lot of people have these and they can often itch

or you could have pin worms. I know it s gross but they re little worms that crawl around in your buthole and lay eggs. I ve had them before and all you need is antibiotics.

My daughter keeps saying her butt is too dry and has to wipe her butt with a baby wipe or she will put water on tp. when its what she calls dry she cant sit still it bothers her so much, that she cant sit still. dose any one have that problem.the dr has no idea what it is.

Before you get too far into what this could be, I would suggest, from personal experience, that you go to the local pharmacy and get a tube of Hyrdrocortizone cream. Apply this twice a day, morning and before bedtime and after about 5 - 6 days this will go away.

Yes Hydrocortizone 1 cream,it will relieve the itching.

My butt has been nearly driving me craze, until last week. I took a shower Tuesday AM and made sure I was very clean and kind of pulled at the hairs at the end of the shower. I dried well and had no BM all day and at 4 AM Wednesday I awoke with the very itchy butt. This all seemed to begin after I used baby wipes for several weeks after a surgery 1 à  or 2 inches from the anis. After three weeks the baby wipes had left that whole area raw, parched. Once the itching began I suspected that I was not clean enough after a BM and at times I suspected pin worms, but last week I was sure it was not a à ï ï dirtyà ï ï problem and started wondering if it was a fungus. Also, I had noticed when I itched the upper part of my clean butt crack that it had an odor, it had à ï ï the bad smellà ï ï, not strong, and a sweet smell. after reading several forums I decided to try some à ï ï Desenexà ï ï but while in the bathroom I saw the à ï ï polysporinà ï ï the dermatologist told me to use after he burned some pre-cancer off me. Ità ï ï s a cream and I applied limberly and within 2 hours I was getting relief and within a day it was all but gone and now after 6 days I no longer have ITCHY BUTT.

I guess i have the same problem can you name the ointment you used exactly and how many times a day you used it.

I also have this white scar around my butt and i feel like it itches mostly when its sweaty.

Is it what symptoms you noticed too.

I get an itchy butt on my cheeks every night when I put on my pajamas. I thought I was allergic to a certain fabric or even detergent, but I ve switched and no change. It is ONLY at night-either when I change though I change underwear in the morning after shower or when I get into bed. Anyone know why and what I should do.

use rubbing alcohol it burns really badly but it helps- happened to me awhile ago- looked on the internet and someone said to do that on another website and it helped- then u can use benadryl or cortizone to soothe the INCREDIBLE burning i guess- but the alcohol is where it s at, ladies- seconds of pain for ultimate relief- go for it. weird issue though i know, hopefully not pinworms. if it happened after you took a huge dump it may be hemeroids so look into some preparation h..listen to me i sound butt expert here. i cured it so can you.

what use for anal itching. i have use cream and changed my diet. And it still itching in buttock area and pain there.

I ve dealt with itchy anus for about 5 years and tried everything my doctor recommended--only wearing cotton briefs, applying hydrocortisone also tried calmoseptine ; I eat well and exercise often so my doc didn t advise any change there. I recently got a new doc who told me to use baking soda. I apply a paste of baking soda and water directly to my anus and, although it s really uncomfortable for about 5 minutes, it ALWAYS relieves my itching for about 3-4months. I wipe it off after a 2-3 hours. Seriously, I can t thank my new doc enough for telling me about that. hope that helps you.

I used AnaNOitch and was like a miracle cure.

This could be thrush/candida related, try to cut out all sugery foods for a while, including bread, cakes etc you said you had surgery which could mean the antibiotics/anathesia has killed all your good bacteria. Get a good probiotic and take it after every meal, to build up your resistance. Do you get the itch in both early morning and as soon as you get into bed. These are the times the digestion system starts to work and the candida is at its most responsive. You need to concentrate on your diet/ nutrition and you should start to feel better. good luck

I agree with oatlands30.I have candidal yeast issues and my bum use to itch all the time.Definately focus on diet. You don t want to be feeding those little critters,so stay off the sugars,some fruits,white carbs,and yeasts.Add lots of probiotics.

I had a similar problem and finally after three months of sleepless nights I applied tea tree oil. Kid you not, the rash, itching, and all the side effects were gone in less than a week. Relief within 2 days. Hope this helps.

There are two types of itch inside and around the anus and on the skin along the butt crack. If your itch is in the anus then it could be your not wiping well enough this could be for an itchy crack too - try buying prep-H or Tucks wipes they have witch hazel which will also help heal the skin. An itchy anus can also be a sign of hemorrhoids - treated by changing your diet more soluble fiber and roughage - prunes oats also bad ones can be treated with sitz baths. If it s not the two causes above you could have pin worms itches mostly at night - see a doctor. If your crack the skin between the cheeks is itching then it is most likely a skin irritation or a fungus - both can be treated by cleaning the entire crack again with prep-h wipes or tucks after a bowel movement, scrubbing it well in the shower and applying a couple of drops of oil or oregano to the area. Most people may find straight oil of oregano burns/tingles too much for comfort so I recommend mixing a few drops in your palm with a natural body oil like almond oil from the healthfood store. Also be sure it s real oil of oregano get it from your healthfood store. The only setback to this is that you will smell like oregano so do it at night. Lastly, it couldn t hurt to take the oil of oregano internally 2 drops with juice twice a day, which would also help to clear up the itch, resolve an internal fungus in case it got into your anus and vaginal yeast infections.

It could be that you are not wiping properly. I suffered from this as well until I purchased a COCO Bidet.

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I had great success for my itchy, burning, red, oozing, anus and butt crack after going through four different doctors 2 MD s and 2 Dermatologists for this problem. I dealt with it for just over a year, because none of the things the first three doctors had me to try was correcting the problem. I thought for sure I would have this problem for the rest of my life, until the fourth doctor I went to figured it out. He said that what I had was chronic perianal dermititis. He told me to stop using wet wipes because the fragrances can be irritating to the skin and can also cause allergic reactions. He also prescribed me Elocon cream generic name is Mometasone Furoate which is a Corticosteroid. He had me to apply a small amount of this twice daily for 2 weeks and then once daily for 2 weeks. He also had me to apply Desitin Zinc Oxide over the Elocon each time. This seals out moisture, which causes inflamation, and allows the Elocon to work beneath it. If the Desitin is applied before the Elocon, the Elocon will be sealed from the skin and will not work Elocon first, then Desitin. My rash completly disappeared unbelievably by the end of the first 2 weeks. I continued to use the elocon once a day and the Desitin twice a day for the 3rd and 4th week, just as directed by my doctor. I am completly itch, burn, ooze free now. GO SEE A DOCTOR and ask him about trying Elocon and Desitin. It worked wonders for me.

Desitin is the bomb. I ve been dealing with pruritus ani or what my doctor bluntly called itchy a hole on and off for a while now. I use a combination of Desitin, hypoallergenic baby wipes never EVER put anything scented down there, dye/perfume free soaps, baby powder, and Tuck s wipes, and it keeps it under control. For some reason, Azo Yeast pills seem to help a little, as well. They re meant to help yeast infections, but they help this, too. Seriously, the best thing is just to baby your bum and give it lots of drying time. A low, cool setting on a blow-dryer helps dry if you re at home and in a hurry. Cut your nails short, too. My boyfriend tells me I m a nighttime scratcher--you may be irritating without even realizing it.

I ve found something that is helping me.

I just use 3 -4 drops of oregano oil mixed with about 6 teaspoons of olive oil.

Oh my gosh..my butthole is itching something FIERCE It also has a terrible odor seeping from the butthole area. Kinda smells like old doo doo, but I think I wipe pretty good there after taking dumps. Any suggestions. Please help..I ve rubbed a worn out patch into both the carpet AND the armrest of the couch from scratching my butthole against them constantly. Help.

If you have ruled out all obvious things fungus, hemorrhoids, worms, then please try DIFLORASONE DIACETATE CREAM. Read on for my story.

I have suffered with extreme anal itching for years. I have tried every natural remedy and found them all to be totally useless. I have tried every anti-itch cream and found them to work for only about a half-hour. I have tried treatment for worms, but I don t have worms. I have tried hemorrhoid medicines and sometimes they helped just a little. I have tried anti-fungal meds and they didn t make a difference at all. I have tried switching soaps, eliminating soap, using wipes, not using wipes.

Then I remembered that I had this cream in my medicine cabinet that I got when I was a teenager. It was prescribed to me when I had some kind of allergic reaction on my lips. Not herpes, but some kind of skin allergy. I kept the cream all these years, for the lip thing would come back maybe once a year and it always helped.

So I put the cream on my butt and, instantly, it was cured. Instantly.

I used it every day for five days just to be sure, but I have now been itch-fre and cream-free for a month. It is like a miracle cure.

I still don;t know what exactly my problem was down there, nor does my doctor. But I don;t even care now that the cure has been found.

Try it, for real. I am so relieved I am posting this message wherever I can.

suffering from intense itching on my butt crack. Can t stop itching it and causing to have open raw skin. Tried prepH and only works for 30-40 minutes. Starts itching whenever area is disturbed wipe or anything. HELP.

Very possible that it s skin fungus I ve had the same problem. You can try over the counter cream and if you get some relief, then you know it s fungus. You have to be religious about washing really well every day with a gentle soap and then make sure the area is completely dry before applying cream. You ll need to apply 2x a day for 2-4 weeks. Also, make sure to use a clean washcloth/towel every time because if one little spore gets on the towel and you use it again, it will re-infect. You should experience significant relief from the itching within the first day. It may appear to have cleared up within a few days but DON T stop the treatment early, because it will come back I ve learned the hard way. Also using fragrance free talcum powder to keep area dry is good. I read that you should not use powder that has cornstarch because that can make it worse. Hope this helps. I know how annoying this problem is.

if u believe it is fungus here r two things u can do

buy probiotics at a vitamin store to get the best price because u want ultra high culture counts of 100 billion daily and take for a week and keep some

also open one of the capsules and mix with what ever ointment or cream and if it is yeast the probiotics eat it like gourmet meal

lots of time what happened is people took antibiotics which kill the bad and the GOOD

MY husband puts Cortisone and Oregano Oil on his penis. We then have anal sex and he cums in my rectum. There is something in the semen that kilss all this stuff. Plus its fuuunnn

hello guys i have a cut on my arse crack and i keep peeing on it and it is getting infected what do i do

I ve had an itchy butthole and crack for a couple months. My doctor said it was a rash from my thong. She gave me hydrocortisone acetate that I stick up my butthole. It melts at body temp and slowly seeps out. not messy or leak through clothes. It is supposed to be used to help with hemmroids. I also use a prescription powder to keep it dry. It definitely has made the itching go down but not done. Now it itches after I go to the bathroom. Even after just pee. And whenever I wipe my butt it hurts, I guess its a sore. I ve tried apple cider vinegar and other home remedies. Any ideas on what could help. I ve been using this medicine for a week. Help.

Intense itching bleeding in butt crack..

Oh thank goodness I found this site.. I tried looking it up on Web MD, The Triage App. and Ask.com, as well as EMBARRESSINGproblems.com. I couldn t find a thing.. My itching in my butt crack got so intense that my scratching caused bleeding.. I m wondering why it is that sometimes when I m washing it in the shower, it sets off the itching. I use body wash, it doesn t always happen. I m using the same detergent too. Sometimes it will look like a yeast infection and smell like alpine lace Swiss cheese I know, I m probably grossing u guys out by now butt, lol I will take any suggestions you have. Thanks..

My butt crack will do this sometimes. It s at the very top where my butt crack ends and becomes my lower back. I had bed sores once a long time ago after being in the hospital and this is what it looks and feels like. It swells then it starts to itch uncontrollably, after rubbing or scratching it a few times it turns into tiny water blisters, if I keep scratching they burst and I get sores. I have noticed that hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, or sometimes something with menthol or tea tree helps. What I don t know is what is causing it. Any ideas.

For the guy that puts cortisone on his penis, I alway do after sex and it helps in recovery.

please can someone please help me on this question.

i had my baby about three months ago and after i had her i started discharging greenish yellowish stuff and sore all the time in my vagina, has anyone ever experienced this.

I have had an itch over an year now which was getting worse and worse. After trying x amount of corticosteroid creams with no success, I have decided to try a more homeopathic approach. I am not sure what helps, but I am using a combination of creams, Desitin over night, Calendula cream twice a day HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, chamomile tea and lavender oil while bathing. It has been a week now since I have been trying this mix and it seems to help. Be patient as you will not see improvements the next day, it usually takes about a week to note that the itch is going away slowly or is not as persistent as before. Give calendula cream a try.

I have suffered from this for years and found a 100 natural cure in. ready for this. a burts bees product

That s a direct price to the cheapest I found it online. One bottle lasts for about 1 month.

Could you plz clarify which product you refer to.

I had spent years trying to figure this out, as I too suffer from what we call itchy crack. I even went to several doctors-even a specialist-with me leaving and them scratching their heads over my complaint. So I got on the internet and investigated the symptoms which spell Pruritus Ani which you can google. Mine started with me wearing nylon to a workout class which irritated the anal region--and it never stopped. At first I thought I had hemorrhoids--and all doctors confirmed that wasn t the problem. At any rate over the next few years I tried every single over the counter item anti itching creams, etc. along with suggestions on the internet. Nothing worked to cure the problem. I could not get the itching to stop and the more I tried to put ointment or powder on it--the itching just got worse.

So--after all of this--I got up enough nerve to talk to my female GYN doctor about it--and said have you heard of Pruritus Ani--and she said of course--you mean itchy crack syndrome, don t you. YAY-I finally found a doctor who knew what I was talking about. At any rate she gave me a prescription for a steroid gel that finally CURED the problem.

So don t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor about it-and whatever you do don t let them just shrug you off because they don t know what Pruritus Ani is. Have them write you a prescription for a steroid gel to cure the problem. My gel is Triamcinolone 0.5 ointment 15gm

It will usually calm down. so i got the urge to itch last night and i was able to get in front of a mirror and look at my butt HELP.. itchy butt crack and.

Nov 19, 2009  Why does my butt crack itch. no joke please dwi4x4 Have you been in a situation where everybody is laughing for other s jokes so you crack a joke.