Text Driver Connection String

ODBC Error Messages. Invalid connection string attribute: 01S01: Error If the netlib specified in the error text exists elsewhere than in the Windows system.

Connection Strings using Microsoft Text ODBC Driver for connections to Textfile.

Database Connectionstrings. Finding it hard to remember database connection strings. Everybody does. Here is an easy-to-use reference of connection.

Sep 19, 2005  This step-by-step article describes how to use the ODBC. NET Managed Provider in Visual Basic. NET. This article also includes samples connection strings.

The jackol s den 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101000. string strConn Driver Microsoft Text Driver . txt See the connection strings for Text at.

Connect to CSV Data Files using Microsoft Data Access Components. By we re going to construct some connection strings that will Microsoft Text Driver.

text driver connection string

In computing, a connection string is a string that specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it. It is passed in code to an underlying.

text driver connection string Database Connectionstrings text driver connection string

Oct 10, 2006  When you use a connection string that does not use a data source name a DSN-less connection string to connect to an external data source in.

Importing to CSV or Text data - Connection Strings

Connection strings for Textfile. Connect using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, OleDbConnection, Microsoft Text ODBC Driver, ODBC. NET Provider and txtReader.

text driver connection string

This reference section describes additional connection string information when using EDT to load data directly from a CSV / Text file.

The Excel Database Tasks EDT software can load data from ANY source either as an Excel report,

or Validate and send the data to any destination Table or Stored Procedure.

Supporting MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Access, DB2 databases.

Connections string can be pasted into the EDT Connection string text box as highlighted below.

After modifying the connection string,  click the Test button to verify the connection:

Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source c: txtFilesFolder ;

Extended Properties text;HDR Yes;FMT Delimited ;

The delimiter can be specified in the registry at the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Jet 4.0 Engines Text

Extended Properties text;HDR Yes;FMT Fixed ;

HDR Yes; indicates that the first row contains column names, not data. HDR No; indicates the opposite.To specify each columns length use the Schema.ini file. See description below. Important note.

The quota in the string needs to be escaped using your language specific escape syntax.

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Use an OLE DB provider from. NET

Provider any oledb provider s name;OledbKey1 someValue;OledbKey2 someValue;

See the respective OLEDB provider s connection strings options. The. net OleDbConnection will just pass on the connection string to the specified OLEDB provider.

Driver Microsoft Text Driver . txt; . csv ;Dbq c: txtFilesFolder ;

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

Driver any odbc driver s name ;OdbcKey1 someValue;OdbcKey2 someValue;

See the respective ODBC driver s connection strings options. The. net Odbc Connection will just pass on the connection string to the specified ODBC driver.

Data Source C: MyFolder ;Delimiter, ;Has Quotes True;Skip Rows 0;

Has Header True;Comment Prefix ;

Column Type String,String,String,Int32,Boolean,String,String;Trim Spaces False;

Comment Prefix means that if a line in the text file starts with the provided prefix value the whole line will be treated as a comment and will not be read.

Finding it hard to remember database connection strings.

Everybody does.  Here is an easy-to-use reference of connection

strings for numerous databases and data stores.

Code samples are in C. You must provide the values in red

var conn new OleDbConnection ;

Data Source xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,1433;

. NET DataProvider -- Standard Connection

var conn new SqlDbConnection ;

. NET DataProvider -- Trusted Connection

. NET DataProvider -- via IP Address

. NET Data Provider -- Default Relative Path -- Standard Connection

AttachDbFilename DataDirectory DataBaseName.mdf;

. NET Data Provider -- Default Relative Path -- Trusted Connection

. NET Data Provider -- Custom Relative Path -- Standard Connection


. NET Data Provider -- Custom Relative Path -- Trusted Connection

. NET Data Provider -- Absolute Path -- Standard Connection

AttachDbFilename C: MyPath DataBaseName.mdf;

. NET Data Provider -- Absolute Path -- Trusted Connection

conn.ConnectionString Dsn DsnName ;

Driver Microsoft Access Driver . mdb ;

ODBC -- Workgroup System Database

SystemDb c: myPath myDb.mdw; ;

OleDb with MS Jet -- Standard Security

Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

Data Source c: mypath myDb.mdb;

OleDb with MS Jet -- Workgroup System Database

System Database c: mypath myDb.mdw; ;

OleDb with MS Jet -- With Password

Driver Microsoft ODBC for Oracle ;

Driver Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle ;

ConnectString OracleServer.world;

Dbq myDataBase; // define in tsnames.ora

OleDb -- Oracle Driver -- Standard Connection

OleDb -- Oracle Driver -- Trusted Connection

. NET DataProvider from Microsoft -- Standard Connection

using System.Data.OracleClient;

var conn new OracleConnection ;

. NET DataProvider from Microsoft -- Trusted Connection

. NET DataProvider from Oracle -- Standard Connection

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

. NET DataProvider from Oracle -- Trusted Connection

Network Transport Library TCPIP;

Network Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;

Package Collection CollectionName;

ODBC -- MyODBC Driver -- local database

ODBC -- MyODBC Driver -- remote database

ODBC -- MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver

Driver MySql ODBC 3.51 Driver ;

DRIVER MySql ODBC 3.51 Driver ;

. NET DataProvider from CoreLab

var conn new MySqlConnection ;

ODBC -- Sybase System 12 12.5 ODBC Driver

Driver SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver ;

ODBC -- Sybase System 11 ODBC Driver

ODBC -- Intersolv 3.10 ODBC Driver

Driver INTERSOLV 3.10 32-BIT Sybase ;

Driver Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 ;

OleDb -- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise ASE

Driver Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider;

// Server Name with Srvr, and

// Initial Catalog with Catalog

. NET DataProvider from Sybase

ODBC -- EasySoft ODBC Driver -- local machine

DataBase localhost:C: MyPath DbName.gdb;

ODBC -- EasySoft ODBC Driver -- remote machine

DataBase ServerName:C: MyPath DbName.gdb;

ODBC -- Intersolv ODBC Driver -- local machine

INTERSOLV InterBase ODBC Driver . gdb ;

ODBC -- Intersolv ODBC Driver -- remote machine


ODBC without DSN -- INFORMIX 3.30 ODBC Driver

ODBC Informix-CLI 2.5 ODBC Driver

Driver Informix-CLI 2.5 32 Bit ;

OleDb -- IBM Informix OleDb Provider

Data Source DataBaseName ServerName;

Persist Security Info true; ;

Driver Microsoft Excel Driver . xls ;

Dbq C: MyPath SpreadSheet.xls;

Driver Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

Data Source C: MyPath SpreadSheet.xls;

Extended Properties Excel 8.0;HDR Yes ;

Driver Microsoft Text Driver . txt; . csv ;

Extensions asc,csv,tab,txt; ;

// Use: sql Select From MyTextFile.txt

// Use: sql Select From MyDb.dbf

Driver Microsoft dBASE Driver . dbf ;

ODBC without DSN -- Database container dbc

Driver Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver ;

ODBC without DSN -- Free table directory

OleDb -- Database container dbc

Data Source C: MyPath MyDb.dbc;